No Fun, Really

Monday was Miss M’s “Princess Day.”

Gramma, Aunt Lizzie, and I – along with Pierce, Owen, and PK’s girlfriend, Memphis – took her for a day of full girly-ness.

First stop was the hair salon, where Miss M. had her locks shorn and straightened. (Not permanently straightened, thank heavens. Mommy likes her waves!)

There was shopping. And lunch at Old Country Buffet (one of Miss M’s favorite places) where they made a nice loud announcement wishing her a Happy Sweet Sixteen.

Once we were stuffed almost to the point of being immobile, it was off to the nail salon.

Best hair cut of the day was definitely Owen’s:

He’s had a Mohawk since last fall, when his beloved hero and cousin, PK, got one. This is the first one decorated with blue gel, and he got compliments everywhere we went. Including one he couldn’t resist telling us about over and over. (Whispered) “That guy said, “That’s the shit!”

There was more shopping. And some driving around in circles and loops and figure-eights because we made the mistake of following Aunt Lizzie. 🙂

And then it was time to drag ourselves and our stuff home.

I really pity Paris Hilton now. I never realized that all this hair and nail and shopping stuff could be so tiring. Poor girl must be half-asleep all the time, because I was so exhausted when we got back that all I wanted to do was go to bed. At 7pm.

But we totally did not have fun. Not at all.

R-L Bottom: Memphis, Miss M, Owen, Pierce. Top: Aunt Lizzie, Gramma, Me

Sweet Sixteen Today

“My, how the years have flown.”

by Miss M.

Cell Phone Self-Portrait by Miss M.

My beautiful girl,

When you were born and the doctor announced, “It’s a girl!” I couldn’t have been more surprised. Sometimes, when I glance across the room, I’m still surprised.

Surprised and humbled, just as I am with your brothers, that I could have had any part in creating such a beautiful soul. Surprised that you’ve somehow grown another inch. Surprised that time has flown by so very quickly.

Parents say this a lot, but it is true – it seems like just yesterday that I was hearing the doctor announce, “It’s a girl!” Just yesterday … that we finally picked a name for you, or rather that you chose your own name.* Just yesterday … that we brought you home from the hospital. Just yesterday … that I walked you to school for the first time. Just yesterday … that you started wearing eyeliner and thinking about boys. Just yesterday…

In the sixteen years since your birth, you have grown into an amazing young woman I am proud to know and whose very presence brightens and enriches our home and our lives.

You are beautiful and intelligent. Good-hearted and generous. Full of laughter and more than a hint of mischief. A young woman who stands strong for her principles, who believes in herself, her own value, and her own power.

Today, you are standing on the verge of adulthood, with all its promise – and all its terrors. I want you to know that even the sky is not the limit for you, my darling child. Dream your dreams, work hard to make them come true, live your life in joy and hope, and there is nothing you can’t accomplish.

I love you, baby girl.

Happy Birthday.

— Mom

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* “All babies should have a story,” my grandmother said. Read Miss M’s story here.