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Email me!

themomspeaks AT yahoo DOT com

2 Responses

  1. hey there PA!!

    I “think” (LOL, yes senior moment) that my IM is “halobeam” .

    If you are having trouble w/ that, just email me: halobeam (@) and I’ll try to find out what the hell my ID is there, it’s been so long. I’m pretty consistent with keeping the same name in all areas, so it’s most likely correct.

    I’ll try IM’ing you anyway, I have you on my friends list and that might be easier for us “crazy ladies” lol

    Talk to you soon……


  2. Halo: Let’s talk senior moments: I just remembered that I can see your email addy via the blog’s dashboard. *sigh* (Kids – they steal your brain cells.)

    I sent off a friend request to ya, so hopefully we can find each other.

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